Cool Careers

Submarine Chefs
Salary: up to $200,000

     Do you want a career in culinary arts, but don't want to work in a restaurant?  Forget cruise ships, and try cooking below the water!  Submarine chefs make up to $200,000 a year and work for the military.
     Of course, these undersea cooks have to earn their larger salary.  Such a job can be quite difficult at times.  To be a submarine chef, one cannot be claustrophobic and must be able to stay in close quarters for prolonged periods of time.  Submarines can stay underwater for a few months.  During that time, fresh ingredients can become scarce. A submarine chef must be able to improvise with long-lasting food products and whatever else is left.  Lastly, even simple food preparation equipment can set off sonars, so stealth is required even for cooks.
     Submarine chefs have an important job.  If they do it poorly, those aboard will have insufficient nutrition and develop low morale, or they could even alert an enemy to the submarine's presence.  As simple as it sounds, not just anyone can be trusted with the duty of serving food on a submarine.



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